The Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (WCGRB) is a regulatory body established in 1996 under the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act. It is responsible for regulating all forms of gambling and racing activities in the Western Cape province of South Africa. The board is based in Cape Town and is responsible for ensuring that all licensed operators comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
Overview of the WCGRB The WCGRB is tasked with a range of responsibilities including the following:
Licensing and regulating gambling activities
The board is responsible for issuing licenses to operators who wish to offer gambling activities in the Western Cape province. These activities include casinos, bingo, limited payout machines, bookmaking, and sports betting.
Monitoring and enforcing compliance
The board is responsible for ensuring that all licensed operators comply with the relevant laws and regulations. It conducts regular inspections of licensed premises to ensure that they meet the required standards.
Collection of revenue
The board is also responsible for collecting gambling taxes and other fees from licensed operators. These funds are then used to support various initiatives and programs aimed at addressing problem gambling.
Research and policy development
The board conducts research and develops policies aimed at promoting responsible gambling and minimizing the negative social impacts of gambling.
Community engagement
The board engages with various stakeholders including the public, government officials, and industry players to ensure that its activities are aligned with the needs and concerns of the community.
Composition of the Board
The board is composed of ten members appointed by the Western Cape Provincial Government. The members are appointed for a term of five years and are eligible for reappointment. The board is led by a chairperson who is appointed by the Provincial Government.